pass down

美 [pæs daʊn]英 [pɑːs daʊn]
  • 过;下达;一闪即逝
pass downpass down
  1. This title will only pass down through the male line .


  2. Pass down the bus and make room for more passengers .


  3. They often use folksongs to pass down their history .


  4. With the development of underground space utilization , tunnel structure will pass down the existing building frequently .


  5. I hope that through this analysis , we can pass down the excellence of traditional Chinese culture better .


  6. Pass down the lift , please !


  7. In the history of education , humans made a special effort to pass down its valuable traditions .


  8. pass down My grandmother passed down this necklace to me .


  9. Jones sent a long pass down the fight wing to gascoigne .


  10. That idea runs counter to standard thinking about heredity : that parents pass down only genes to their children .


  11. If pass down , he can not conscientious to descendants .


  12. So we should pass down ethnic art in early childhood education and train the ethnic art successor from a young age .


  13. We hope this information can pass down to everyone . Let 's take care of our environment with the same dedication and feelings .


  14. The concluding marks tells people how to pass down the doctrinal theory of literature , taking the global culture into consideration .


  15. The treatment focused on the liver and stomach to pass down , Conditioning qi and nourishing yin and activating blood circulation method .


  16. In an age and environment of pretension , you have a precious Chinese cultural heritage which we are proud to pass down to you


  17. Regardless of where the truth lies , it 's still a national tradition to pass down the idea that the American Dream is achievable in each generation .


  18. The stability of ecologic environment and the stability of the Yu people 's cultural value are the main factors to make the Yu costumes pass down from generation to generation .


  19. Exterior sharing of video resources made it possible to pass down industrial culture essence carried by video clips , and one can share the development of his industry where there is network .


  20. Discussing the Significance of Developing No-Olympic Games among University Students & The Importance of Higher Learning Institutes Participating into Sports based on the Theory of Pass Down from Socialogical Perspective


  21. Breaking this chain of incorrect , pass down , verbal history for " impossibility " is imperative for elevating the quality standard within our industry to the next level .


  22. As the cultural interpretation of mans mental activities , religious mythology reflects the deepest human culture & psychological structure , which enables the human culture to pass down from generation to generation .


  23. So , after several generations of people pass down the traditional folk sports are still retained the moderate nature of competitive sports in order to show the physical and psychological equal emphasis on all-round development characteristics .


  24. While software is loaded from the file system into memory , software program files is integrity represent that initial state is trustworthiness , how to pass down this trust , is a great challenge for current research .


  25. This mechanism is mainly presented by parameter of Kr. On the other hand , ROS simultaneously pass down the active radicals by higher alcohols to form another electron-transferring chain , as another mechanism .


  26. National spirit to develop , advance , and also inseparable from implementation of the strategy of peaceful development , peaceful development strategy can promote the development of national spirit , enrich , to promote the national spirit to pass down .


  27. The Huishan Ancestral Hall Group of traditional architectural decoration not only inherited Chinese traditional decorative art , enriched the content of the decorations , but also contributed to pass down Chinese culture and local folk art .


  28. The creativity of poetry translation is also reflected in reading translated poetry , we can pleasingly get into an era in long ago time , or we can pass down our discoveries to era in far future .


  29. Further upgrading is needed to make Chinese a major medium through which singapore 's public-minded intellectuals can discuss important national and even global issues , pass down and enrich their cultural heritage and record their delicate and profound thoughts .


  30. Finally , it analyzes and inquires into the interaction relations between Arcade form and the city , in order to realize the paragenesis of Arcade form and the city , and to make Arcade form pass down and develop .
